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Controversial Games: Do You Know What Your Child Is Playing?

As colourful and captivating as the world of online gaming is, not all that glitters is gold. 

While Generation Z gamers, born between 1997 and 2012, immerse themselves in these virtual worlds, there are a handful of eyebrow-raising games parents must be aware of. 

We cannot be naive. 

Image: iiCottonCandy via DiviantArt

As innocent and “sweet” as Roblox may seem, kids can access evasive condo games during gameplay. These scented cons are basically online brothels where children are exposed to avatars (player characters) interacting in sexually suggestive ways.

Call of Duty (COD) is another controversial video game set in virtual war zones. Here kids can literally see blood and guts flying all over the place while fellow soldiers shout profanity in chat comms.

At one point, kids are gathering pixelated resources – wood, wheat, and stone – in Minecraft and the next minute they’re exposed to explicit content, cyberbullying, predatory behaviour, or worse…

Not the best gaming environment for youngsters, right?

You should continue reading to find out more.

Controversial Games And What Our Kids Are Exposed To

Various aspects of some video games might raise questions and concerns for parents. Some contain violence, while others contain explicit language and mature scenes.

Another concern for many parents is kids developing video game addiction, or being exposed to predatory behaviour.

Video game addiction

Let’s take a closer look:

  • Violence: Games depicting realistic gun violence, hand-to-hand combat, or war scenes can desensitise kids in the real world.
  • Explicit content: This could include strong language, sexual themes, or drug, alcohol and gambling references.
  • Addictive gameplay: Features like loot boxes – randomised, virtual items players buy with real money – or constant rewards stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain (a.k.a. the brain’s reward system) that keeps players hooked for hours.
  • User-generated content (UGC): Includes things like online chats, usernames, and interactions in virtual worlds. This can expose our kids to bullying, hate speech, racism and even predatory behaviour from other players. 
  • Predatory behaviour: UGCs can expose vulnerable children to inappropriate interactions with strangers online. Predators often conceal their true identities, posing as peers of the same age. These creeps groom kids to get revealing personal information, like their names, ages, photos, or worse!

Popular Gen-Z game concerns

Here’s a quick glance at what our kids might be exposed to in digital realms:


Age restriction: 13

  • Content: User-generated content can sometimes include inappropriate or violent material; condo games; in-game purchases/microtransactions.
  • Concerns: The game allows users to upload audio which can contain swearing, sexual content, and inappropriate noises that may bypass moderation. 


Age restriction: 13

  • Content: Cartoonish violence; in-game purchases; UGC content exposure.
  • Concerns: While less graphic, the game’s addictive nature and pressure to make in-game purchases and upgrade “skins” can be problematic. The potential for cyberbullying and predatory intentions via in-game chats also pose risks.

Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV)

Age restriction: 18+


GTAV Booty Call Mission
  • Content: Intense violence; drug use; gambling; strip clubs; explicit language exposure.
  • Concerns: The game’s realistic criminal (and adult-only) activities can be unsettling for parents concerned about young, impressionable minds.

Call of Duty (COD)

Age restriction: 18+

  • Content: Graphic violence and war scenarios; swearing; in-game chats.
  • Concerns: The nature of these games can lead to desensitisation to violence.

The Risks Our Kids Could Face 

While some research suggests that online gaming can improve problem-solving, social interaction, and hand-eye coordination, there are also potential pitfalls, especially with controversial content.

Here’s what to look out for:

Behavioural changes 

  • Aggression and desensitisation: Exposure to violent or explicit content in games can lead to increased aggression and desensitisation to violence. Children might start mimicking aggressive behaviour, or become less sensitive/show less empathy towards real-world violence.
  • Addiction/compulsive behaviour: The flashy reward mechanisms of online video games – loot boxes and constant achievements – are designed to be addictive and attractive. This could promote addictive behaviours and lead to compulsive gaming habits, obsessions, and other behavioural issues.
  • Social isolation: Excessive gaming can cause children to withdraw from real-life gatherings and lead to social anxiety, resulting in kids preferring virtual domains over face-to-face social connections. 

Mental health issues

  • Anxiety and depression: Games with dark themes, mature content or cyberbullying can contribute to anxiety and depression. The pressure to succeed in the gaming world can deepen these issues. 
  • Sleep disorders: Overstimulating, fast-paced video games (especially when played late at night) can wreak havoc on kids’ melatonin production – the hormone that controls sleep-wake cycles. Excessive blue light exposure disrupts sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and other sleep-related issues. Studies have also linked sleep disturbances and internet addiction with suicidal ideation among adolescent gamers.
  • Reduced academic performanceStudies show excessive screen time/gaming can distract kids from academic responsibilities. This may tie back to sleep disturbances and other physical health problems, potentially leading to poorer academic performance and concentration.

Physical health issues

  • Eye strain and headaches: Lengthy periods behind a screen can cause eye strain, headaches, and vision problems in severe cases. 
  • Musculoskeletal problems: Long hours of gaming without a proper ergonomic setup can lead to poor posture, back pain and other musculoskeletal issues. Research shows that de Quervain’s tenosynovitis (a.k.a. Gamer’s thumb) is becoming more common among online gamers across the board.
  • Lethargic lifestyle: Excessive gaming contributes to a sedentary lifestyle. This increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and other health issues related to lack of physical activity.

Parent Tip: Strategies To Stay Informed And Involved 

In today’s digital world, parenting and gaming are closely intertwined.

Old-school single-player video games (with no ethernet cable or WiFi router in sight) have been replaced by modern digital domains. It’s our parental and moral duty to stay informed and involved in our children’s online activities to ensure a safe game zone and playing experience.

Here’s how:

PEGI Ratings
  • Check game ratings: The PEGI age rating system in Europe provides guidance on the content of games. Look for the appropriate age rating for your child.
  • Read reviews: Online reviews by parents and gaming websites can offer valuable insights into the game’s content and potential impact.
  • Play together: Spending time gaming with your child can be a great way to understand the game, in-store purchases and chats, to see how they affect your kid.

Tips for discussing controversial online content with children

Have open, heart-to-heart conversations with your kids to ensure they know what lurks behind their monitor or screen. Chat with them about: 

  • The content of the games your child plays (e.g. violent or mature themes)
  • The [dangers of AI-generated content] and predatory behaviour.
  • Discuss what’s real and what’s not.
  • Reporting any “funny business” to you ASAP (even if they are at fault).
  • Establishing healthy gaming habits.
  • How to [manage screen time] and the importance of virtual vs real-world balance.

Pro tip: Enable parental settings and controls (on gaming consoles/PCs) to monitor in-game chats and other internet-based activity.

Expert Opinions Of Controversial Games On Child Development

Experts emphasise that parents must keep a close eye on what their children consume online, whether it’s on social media, WhatsApp, or online video games. It’s important to maintain open lines of communication and establish clear boundaries to effectively manage screen and game time. 

The Conversation Continues

Do you have a hold on what your kids consume while gaming online? How do you effectively monitor and manage their screen time and gaming habits?

Share your thoughts, tips, and experiences on controversial games in the comments below.

We’d love to hear what you think…



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